Season of Creation & Harvest Celebration 2019
As the summer draws to a close the Church marks:
Below you will find more information about these celebrations, and how you can take part in our parish.
- The Season of Creation from 1st September to 4th October
- Harvest Sunday on 15th September
Below you will find more information about these celebrations, and how you can take part in our parish.
The Season of Creation
is a special time for Christians around the world to reflect on God as our Creator, and our care for God's planet and one another.
It begins on 1st September which is the Global Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on 4th October, the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi who is renowned for his love of the natural world.
Catholics and Christians of different denominations use the Season of Creation (also known as Creation Time or Creation Month) to pray and celebrate with Creation, forcus on the story of planet Earth, and commit to a ministry of healing the world around us. Some of us pray, some of us do hands-on projects, and some of us do advocacy or campaigning work.
With the challenges of climate change and environmental degredation, the Season of Creation is a chance to develop our awareness, and renew our commitment to protect Creation. It's powerfully good work that's urgently needed.
Long after the Season of Creation ends the momentum continues through ongoing prayer, continuing reflection, changes in lifestyle, and advocacy on behalf of the environment.
is a special time for Christians around the world to reflect on God as our Creator, and our care for God's planet and one another.
It begins on 1st September which is the Global Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on 4th October, the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi who is renowned for his love of the natural world.
Catholics and Christians of different denominations use the Season of Creation (also known as Creation Time or Creation Month) to pray and celebrate with Creation, forcus on the story of planet Earth, and commit to a ministry of healing the world around us. Some of us pray, some of us do hands-on projects, and some of us do advocacy or campaigning work.
With the challenges of climate change and environmental degredation, the Season of Creation is a chance to develop our awareness, and renew our commitment to protect Creation. It's powerfully good work that's urgently needed.
Long after the Season of Creation ends the momentum continues through ongoing prayer, continuing reflection, changes in lifestyle, and advocacy on behalf of the environment.
Parish celebration of Creation Sunday: 1 September 2019
As well as marking Creation Sunday in our Masses, CAFOD and the parish's Care for Our Common Home Group invite you to a Cream Tea and Quiz celebration, after the 9am and before the 10.45am Mass. Caffee will be available as usual along with some extras.
As well as marking Creation Sunday in our Masses, CAFOD and the parish's Care for Our Common Home Group invite you to a Cream Tea and Quiz celebration, after the 9am and before the 10.45am Mass. Caffee will be available as usual along with some extras.
Find out more
Harvest Thanksgiving
As the fruits of the earth are gathered at Harvest time, we Christians are invited to:
We are encouraged to:
In 2019 Harvest Sunday is on 15th September, in the middle of the Season of Creation.
Our parish collects food for the Acomb Food Bank throughout the year, but in the Season of Creation we have two extra special collections:
As the fruits of the earth are gathered at Harvest time, we Christians are invited to:
- thank God for the food we so often take for granted
- support those who produce and distribute food (our parish contains many farms and processing centres)
- reflect on those who have little or no food because of poverty or environmental damage
We are encouraged to:
- FAST in solidarity with those who have no food, in York and around the world
- PRAY for a just sharing of the fruits of Creation
- GIVE to those who are in need
In 2019 Harvest Sunday is on 15th September, in the middle of the Season of Creation.
Our parish collects food for the Acomb Food Bank throughout the year, but in the Season of Creation we have two extra special collections:
Sunday 15th September 2019 (Harvest Sunday) Carecent is a breakfast centre in York for all homeless, unemployed or otherwise socially-excluded members of our community, providing food, clothing and fellowship in a friendly and non-judgemental environment. Carecent is an ecumenical project based at Central Methodist Church. In addition to offering breakfast 6 days a week, Carecent volunteers offer toiletries, clothing, fellowship, support and advice to their clients. Carecent relies entirely on donations, and your gifts will be gratefully received.
Friday 4th October 2019 CAFOD is the international aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and works in partnership with community projects in some of the poorest parts of the world.
Twice a year - in Lent and at Harvest time - Catholic Christians are encouraged to fast by giving up a meal in solidarity with those who hunger. The money saved is donated to CAFOD, who also invite people to pray and fast for those in need. |
As in previous years, members of our parish are invited to bring along donations to add to the offertory collection at Mass at Our Lady's on Harvest Sunday, 15th September.
Collection envelopes for the Family Fast Day will be given out at Masses the weekend before 4th October. You can also donate online.
Thank you for supporting the valuable work of CAFOD. |
Urgently needed
Please do not supply any food that is not on this list as we have large stocks of other foodstuffs. Thank you!
Also needed: Clothing and Toiletries
Thank you for supporting the valuable work of Carecent.
Urgently needed
- Tinned ham, spam, corned beef
- Baked beans (without added items)
- Breakfast cereals, including porridge oats
- Biscuits, including chocolate biscuits
- Sweets, chocolate (small bars)
- Pasturised fruit juice
- Squash / cordial
- Tinned fruit
- Sugar
Please do not supply any food that is not on this list as we have large stocks of other foodstuffs. Thank you!
Also needed: Clothing and Toiletries
- Gents' socks (they don't have to be new, but clean please)
- Mens and Ladies underwear (new)
- Hats, gloves, fleeces, jumpers,
- Jeans (28-34" waist)
- Tracksuit bottoms
- T-shirts
- Roll-on deodourant (no aerosolls)
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
- Disposable razors
- Baby wipes
- Cosmetic wipes
- Shower gel and shampoo (any size)
Thank you for supporting the valuable work of Carecent.