Life Ascending
What is Life Ascending?
Life Ascending is a Catholic movement for men and women in their middle to later years.
Life Ascending has three aims: Spirituality, Friendship, and Mission.
Life Ascending welcomes all Christians and their friends of other faiths, who have that extra time to reflect, to hope, to grow in faith and smile.
Life Ascending is a national and international movement that meets at local parish level.
Christ’s message in the Gospel is at the heart of the local meeting, and reveals new insights into all that Christ is saying to us at this stage of our lives. Sharing the Good News and our joys, concerns, experiences, and activities, can bring great happiness and peace of heart.
Here, within the parish group, friendships develop as members pray and share various concerns and resolve them, like untying a knot and then letting things go. The time spent together is valuable and bears fruit as we find ways to help others, in the family, the Church, and our local community. Laughter and fun are key when we meet. It prevents the Life Ascending meeting becoming too serious and lifts the spirit!
The York (West) Group Meeting at Our Lady's
There are two local groups of Life Ascending that meet in York: one here at Our Lady's (York West), and one at St Wilfrid's.
Our York West Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month, between 2 and 4pm, normally in the Father Kelly Room.
The York Central Group meets in The Upper Room, St Wilfrid's Catholic Church 12.45- 3 pm on the last Wednesday of each month.
In addition to meetings, we organise a number of social and spiritual events, retreats, pilgrimages, and outings.
Life Ascending is a Catholic movement for men and women in their middle to later years.
Life Ascending has three aims: Spirituality, Friendship, and Mission.
Life Ascending welcomes all Christians and their friends of other faiths, who have that extra time to reflect, to hope, to grow in faith and smile.
Life Ascending is a national and international movement that meets at local parish level.
Christ’s message in the Gospel is at the heart of the local meeting, and reveals new insights into all that Christ is saying to us at this stage of our lives. Sharing the Good News and our joys, concerns, experiences, and activities, can bring great happiness and peace of heart.
Here, within the parish group, friendships develop as members pray and share various concerns and resolve them, like untying a knot and then letting things go. The time spent together is valuable and bears fruit as we find ways to help others, in the family, the Church, and our local community. Laughter and fun are key when we meet. It prevents the Life Ascending meeting becoming too serious and lifts the spirit!
The York (West) Group Meeting at Our Lady's
There are two local groups of Life Ascending that meet in York: one here at Our Lady's (York West), and one at St Wilfrid's.
Our York West Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month, between 2 and 4pm, normally in the Father Kelly Room.
The York Central Group meets in The Upper Room, St Wilfrid's Catholic Church 12.45- 3 pm on the last Wednesday of each month.
In addition to meetings, we organise a number of social and spiritual events, retreats, pilgrimages, and outings.
Information update:
Next year's Day of Reflection will be held on Wednesday 1st May 2019 at Our Lady's Church 10.30 am - 2.30 pm. Details later.
The Life Ascending Retreat 2019 will be held Monday 14 - Thursday 17 October at The Briery in Ilkley.
Next year's Day of Reflection will be held on Wednesday 1st May 2019 at Our Lady's Church 10.30 am - 2.30 pm. Details later.
The Life Ascending Retreat 2019 will be held Monday 14 - Thursday 17 October at The Briery in Ilkley.